Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The thin, pink line

Wearing make-up is complicated business. Eye-shadow is tricky, liner is difficult and gloss is finicky and ends-up doing whatever it wants anyways. To some extent, I think I've pretty much conquered the bunny-slope level of make-up 101 but the great beast was still at large: blush.

You see, blush is hard. Its hard because it goes on a part of your face that's not as clear cut as 'lips' or 'eye-lids'... cheeks take-up everywhere, so where do you color and how intensely do you do so?

So, as I practice my blush-wearing abilities I always keep in mind there's a thin, pink-hue of a line between looking blushing and spring-like and looking like a common street walker.

-For the record, I aim for the former, not the latter!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Un pedacito de Tito (An itty-Tito-bitty) 1: about my writing style

La consición es algo elegante.
No se trata de suprimir palabras.
Hay que dejar las indispensables
para que la cosa además de tener sentido, suene bien.

Elegance can be found in being consice.
Its not about the mere act of disposing of words.
Its about leaving in the necesary ones so that
things not only make sense, but sound good.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Review 1: Dogma

I'm a sucker for a good pun at the good old hegemonic deity. I'm also one for good movies and really good writing. I just saw Dogma the other day. I really liked it and it made me literally laugh out loud. The timing and the rapport between the actors made me wish I had done more acting in my day... and wonder if I was good enough to go that far.

Don't get me wrong, its not like I ever played Ophelia, but I wish I had. And I also wish I'd been Norah because, darn it, I was the only one that had actually read that stupid play before we started rehearsals.

So this is me, missing 'the theater' and all those great times in undergrad drama club.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Human nature 1: sales

I needed to go to the supermarket to stock-up on food so I can start avoiding all that hegemonic deity birthday-shopping crowds. I also needed paint for my room and my "home office". So I paid and went to get it... on my way back into the supermarket I got stopped by a nice young lady selling/pushing hair irons.

But it wasn't any old iron. It was the wet2straigh ceramic, negative ions, Teflon one, on sale! I have curly hair, that I actually like... that other people seem to like. Why did she offer it to me? In any case, the real question here is 'why did I buy it?'

I believe that there are somethings that are common to all of us, human folk... getting a good deal on something you don't really need is definitely one of them.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In a "new year's" kind of mood

I will admit to not being a Christmas-y person. I don't like the slaughter of innocent trees for mere decoration, all the over-eating and all the high expectations about being completely happy during the whole of December -Plus, not believing in the hegemonic deity makes it kind of hard to enjoy the celebration of its birthday.

I do, however, love New Year's. Its the opportunity to review what you have learned, what you've given-up, gained, and what you would like to improve about yourself. It is also a fan-freaking-tastic time to get buzzed and stay up as late as you want with as much wine as you please.

So yesterday I heard my favorite New Year's song, here for your listening pleasure!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Plain and simple

I hate my job.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

You can't go to Zara and then settle for Bulock's

And by this I mean that you can't see what you like, what you need in life and then settle for anything less than that. You can't go around changing your life to a 'lower quality garment' just because its cheaper -or simpler, as the case may be.

If you like going to Zara, go. If you can't afford the stuff there work and study hard. Again, it is obvious I'm not talking about clothes. I'm talking about your life. If its not at the place where you want it to be, work hard, change your surroundings and the people that don't work and go on, get that pretty pink blouse with the matching sweater you know you really want.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

To be fourteen...

After my Sunday morning ritual of reading the paper from cover to cover I decided to do some work. After working, and because my computer was already on, I decided to watch something on I stumbled accross 'my so-called life'. I remember that show from when I was just starting my teen years. In fact, I remember seeing it first on ABC and then on MTv.

Oh, I remember Jordan, Ricky, Angela and RyAnne (although I'm not sure how you spell her name). So I loaded up the first episode and decided to watch. It all came back to me, feeling so out of place, so different, like I had changed so much while still looking the same. I remembered how badly I wanted to be special and shine. I remembered what its like to be a teenager. It was so hard, figuring out the world, what was beyond my family, my friends, and my school.

I have to say it is an amazing show. It spoke to a generation and made its mark within all of us who were lucky enough to see it and it did it in only onse season. My so-called life was an amazing experiment of looking at life through the eyes of the fourteen year old girl we all wish we were.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

¡Leímos por usted!

En mi otro blog tengo series recurrentes de blogs. Creo que mudaré varias de esas ideas para acá. El viernes leí esta columna de Juan Luis Font y me dio tanta risa (y me pareció tan acertada) que aquí les va:

El discreto encanto del frío
Esnobismo, la ilusión de vivir en un sitio de mayor calidad o quién sabe qué cosa.
Por: Juan Luis Font

Me burlo del tierno alborozo que invade a los capitalinos cuando hace frío, y mi mujer contesta airada ¡bananero!

Tiene razón. Crecí en la Costa y no disfruto esta época de vientos destemplados y vidrios sudorosos, como sí parecen hacerlo la mayoría de vecinos de la capital que sale a desempolvar guantes de gruesa lana, peludas bufandas o chumpas enguatadas o forradas con la piel de animalitos que duermen el sueño eterno. Cuando de niños mis hermanos y yo veníamos a la capital, necesitábamos reunir valor –incluso en marzo o abril– para sentarnos en la fría tabla del baño. Años más tarde me topé con que los asiáticos han inventado algo para evitar el martirio. Una pequeña tubería transporta agua caliente por debajo de la tabla y mantiene a una temperatura amigable el sentadero. No soy pues partidario del frío, pero creo que este comentario rebasa los meros gustos personales.

Es fácil percibir en quienes se visten para esta temporada cierta placidez que va más allá de la temperatura. (He visto a señoritos de mucho postín llegar a sus elegantes fiestas enfundados en abrigos de diseñador, y a proletarios que viajan en camioneta enrollarse con garbo la bufanda al cuello. Y no digamos los gorritos de lana. Hay que ver que la gente se atreve a cualquier cosa. ¿Ha visto por estos días a las damas con botas? Todo es gracias al frío. Este es un asunto muy democrático que no distingue de clase social). Se me antoja que muchos capitalinos sienten que el país –o por lo menos su ciudad– mejora de calidad cuando hace frío, que rebasa un poquito esa insoportable tara de situarse en el trópico (¡subtrópico!, me corrigen todo el tiempo). No es raro encontrar a quien anhele una blanca Navidad, o por lo menos una en la cual haga suficiente friíto para engalanarse sin necesidad de poner en marcha el aire acondicionado. Será porque en el imaginario local la Navidad valedera, la que Dios manda, está acompañada de nieve para que se deslice el trineo del barrigón de la barba blanca. Por eso se esparce esa especie de espuma artificial sobre los árboles que se importan de los bosques del norte o se instalan copias iluminadas de casitas de dos aguas entre mares de algodón que reproducen un paisaje de Nueva Inglaterra. El invierno intenso es una aspiración sentida.

Por décadas he oído el argumento de cuán mejores eran los tiempos en que aquí reinaba el viento helado y las personas necesitaban un abrigo a las 11 de la mañana. Pero consulto las estadísticas y, oh sorpresa, en los últimos 50 años el clima del país en general sólo ha variado en 0.7 grados centígrados.

Acaso la felicidad de quienes se abrigan para la temporada se explique simplemente como esnobismo. Cabe la posibilidad. Pero también es posible, no más posible digo, que esa actitud ayude a explicarse con la notoria incomodidad de muchos vecinos de la ciudad de Guatemala con el resto del territorio nacional. Esa diferencia que se explica con un solo término: el interior del país, para referirse a la provincia.

¿Por qué el interior? ¿Acaso la ciudad de Guatemala se encuentra afuera? En sentido figurado sí lo está. En la capital se encuentra el aeropuerto de donde parten los aviones que permiten llegar al mundo civilizado, del cual la ciudad es apenas un islote en este mar de rusticidad e ignorancia. Los del interior somos primitivos y retrasados, medio mudos sino mudos completos. Lo bueno, lo deseable se encuentra allá, al Norte, porque el interior es un lugar infesto de mosquitos, de culebras, de calor y de todo lo opuesto al buen clima, al viento helado que a partir de octubre redimen a esta noble capital.

Fuente: citado el 8 de noviembre del 2008.

Monday, November 3, 2008

November winds

The year is gone! I can't believe we're already starting November and I already know its gonna go by really fast. I really can't wait for December. I actually dislike chrismas (just like anything that has to do with the hegemonic deity) but two of my best friends are going to be in town!

I might even ask for vacation time!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trying something out...

I've been single for a little over four years now. I have dated and engaged in semi-serious relationships but I haven't had a boyfriend in a long while. In this time I came to know myself better, to understand a lot of things about the way I work, think and act. I also came to realize the importance of being alone.

However, I think my single time might be coming to an end. I'm starting to feel like I am ready to open up to someone again, to spend time with them and to get to know myself as part of a couple, not just as single Lorena... still, I'm not sure how to go about ending my happy bachelorhood. I'm also not sure about how to get around my commitment phobias (but I guess that you learn by doing).

But how do I start? I'm not really sure how one goes about 'meeting boys' -specially intelligent ones. I guess I just have to go out and do it! (and figure out the way while en-route).

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fin de año

Hoy me levanté y sentí ese airecito frío y la mañana con sol y me di cuenta que ya era fin de año. Esta vez se me apareció sin querer, sin notar que ya estábamos a finales de octubre y que ya viene noviembre, diciembre y un año nuevo.

No me di cuenta de que había puesto una cortina más pesada para que no entrara el aire frío, tampoco de que me ponía mi bata todos los días o que había dejado de andar descalza. Hoy en la mañana salí al patio y respiré aire frío y me dí cuenta que se acabó el 2008.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm yours

So, I just like this song. I downloaded it and I'm playing it over and over to try and learn it... because that's just how I am.

Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but your so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm tryin to get back
before the cool done run out I'll be givin it my best test
and nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait
I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our godforsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved

So, i won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait i'm sure
there's no need to complicate our time is short
this is our fate
I'm yours

Scooch on over closer, dear
And I will nibble your ear

I've been spendin' way too long checkin' my tongue in the mirror
and bendin' over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
and so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I'd be sayin' is there ain't no better reason
to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
it's what we aim to do
our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more,
no more it cannot wait
I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you will find that the sky is yours

so please don't, please don't, please don't,
there's no need to complicate,
Cause our time is short
This, this, this is our fate,
I'm yours


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Buckle is the new bow

I really needed black shoes. Not due to vanity, style or fashion. My first pair lost half a soul on the way to the baker's... the other one lost it walking in the rain in Antigua Guatemala, and my sister's just succumbed to... well, her.

Why is shopping so difficult when you really need something? I'm used to seeing cute black flats everywhere. But now? no luck. Also, I'm on a budget so I only need (meaning afford) one pair of simple, black flats.

To avoid temptation I decided to go shopping with my mom. The instructions where simple: I only need one pair of sensible, cute black flats... possibly with a bow of some sort. She's not allowed to come anymore.

First shopping trip (yes, first): One pair of high heeled cute browns, one pair of birkenstock-style clogs and camel loafers. that was it... from the shoe store. I also got two cute tops at Zara. DAMMIT!

Second shopping trip: SUCCESS! cute black flats, patent leather, and on sale! the best part? two for one plus more discount. So I got two pairs. Sadly, non of my five (Oops, yes, five) pairs of shoes have any kind of bow. The latest have buckles. So I've declared Autumn/Winter of 2009 as 'the season of the buckle'. Also, I'm staying away from malls until after the hegemonic deity's birthday celebration.

Shopping is such hard work. At least I'm setting trends while doing it.

Monday, October 13, 2008


This Saturday I was asked to make the birthday cake for my friend Julio. Actually, I was asked to bake two of them. The kladdkaka or sticky chocolate cake is really easy to make but then I had a postponed cake for my friend: I had promised to make a princess cake when we met up in Guate city again.

So, about two hours later I had sugar cake made from scratch, strawberry jam, home made vanilla custard and whipped cream and I just had to ad the most important part: a marzipan cover. When it was finally done I congratulated myself. I was really tired but it turned out so pretty.

We've gotten some pretty nice things from Sweden: Volvos, Saabs, vikings that discovered America and what not and Ikea of course... but that cake is definitely the best... and I so rocked it on Saturday.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

And that has made all the difference...

I'm not really talking about the famous poem by R. Frost. Its a whole other thing...

I will admit to being on my way to becoming 'a woman of a certain age'. Its inevitable. We are all going in that direction and although I still have a few years to go, some greys starting rearing their uggly white heads recently.

Not really that recently. I noticed my first 'premature white' when I was about nineteen. I was excited about having some sign of maturity and liked it. Then, when I went to get my haircut last time I told my hairdresser that I thought I had noticed more than my usual single grey. His repply? 'yes, you do have quite a bit more!' Mortifying, really.

So, I had a visit from the famous M not so long ago. I didn't feel as pretty as I usually felt and thought that my friend would be dissapointed. Everytime I looked in the mirror that original whitey was there, sneaking out of my dark brown curls. Then it hit me: who cares if its there or not? not one single soul. 

The result? I yanked it out. Suddenly I felt ten times prettier, and younger. So while I am not determined to stop the white from a-coming, I know that having one less has truly made all the difference.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Qué rayos pasó?

Para los que no estaban al tanto: mi lindo Ford Fiesta estuvo enfermo toda la semana. Se 'esguinzó' una llanta y en lo que se consiguieron los repuestos, llegó el mecánico y se me vació mi cuenta de banco la primera semana del mes, se pasaron ocho días.

Hoy fue mi primera travesía en mi carro arreglado. Tenía que ir a la tricentenaria Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala a pedir información acerca de la cantidad de matriculados por unidad académica desde 1954... así que me subí a mi carro, ajusté los espejos y comencé mi aventura.

Todo iba muy bien hasta que cambié la estación. Resulta que no dejaban de pasar anuncios en la 'kiss'. La siguiente estación en mi memoria es la doble S. Eso en cierto sentido me alegra porque allí no pasan muchos anuncios y realmente no hay locutores diciendo cualquier tontería. Y ¿qué pasó? bueno, pues que le cambiaron el formato! No sé exactamente cómo describirlo pero es una mezcla de música 'inspiracional' (leáse posiblemente cristiana), heavy metal y rock pesado y la lengua española.

Alguien, por favor, deme explicaciones... entre la radio regeatón del 94.1 y esta cosa con la doble S me va dar algo.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Y como si nada, estamos en octubre... y septiembre se acabó, y muchas cosas se fueron con él. Pasó tanto este mes que me sorprende:

Mi trabajo de oficina. Septiembre fue el primer mes de trabajar de regreso en casa, después de casi un año de ir a la oficina. No voy a mentir, me gusta más estar aquí que en mi escritorio pequeño con Don Ajo al lado... aunque creo que esto de trabajar en pijamas no me dure mucho porque pronto estrenaremos nuevas oficinas.

Una visita linda. Un amigo hizo su visita anual a Guatemala. Hablar y pasar tiempo con él y su hermana me gusta mucho. Luego de esos diítas que anduvo por aquí siento que somos más amigos y tenemos más cosas qué compartir. No sé qué va pasar, o si estaré aquí para la visita del 2009, pero su visita me dejó en general muchas cosas positivas. Espero haber hecho lo mismo por él.

Una visita atrasada. Mi amigo Harry vino a Guatemala después de un poco más de dos años de no venir. A veces se nos olvida cuánto disfrutamos de nuestros amigos y no notamos lo importante que es tenerlos cerca. Me gustó mucho caminar por Antigua con él otra vez... y espero que no tengan que pasar otros dos años para verlo de nuevo!

No comencé clases... porque si hubiera aceptado mi beca a Maastricht, ya llevaría un mes de estar del otro lado del charco haciendo una maestría. Todo bien, estoy contenta con el doctorado... aún si no paso tanto tiempo en Suecia como a mí me gustaría.

En fin, pasaron mil cosas más: ví amigos, cociné, dos de mis hermanos cumplieron años, hubo fiestas, desvelos y cosas tristes también. Luego de tanto que pasó, no me sorprende en lo más mínimo que este fin de semana no hice más que dormir, dormir y dormir.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Una tarde sin trabajo

Hoy es uno de esos días. Me levanté con cero, absolutamente cero ganas de trabajar. Y no es que mi trabajo no me guste, no es que me moleste trabajar desde mi casa, no es nada más que ayer pasé todo el día tratando de avanzar sin mucho éxito y que bueno, luego de pasar todo septiembre sin mucha ocupación o deseos de ocuparme, estar de regreso al ritmo normal cansa.

En fin, como estrategia de control me decidí conectar a cuanto programa de conversación tengo instalada en mi computadora. Hasta en el facebook chat estuve metida. Lo bueno del asunto es que aproveché para platicar con mara que no está en Guate y contar algún chiste mientras me ponía al día de las cosas.

El programa favorito de hoy fue sin duda el Skype. No sé por qué no me conecto más seguido pero definitivamente lo voy a hacer. Hasta estoy considerando que inicie sesión automáticamente cuando comienzo la compu en la mañana... aunque si valoro mi trabajo, tal vez dejo la conectada al programita para la hora de la fika.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Not soon after I posted the infamous 'lagom' blog I got a phone call from Sweden!

Yay! my favorite German called! It was so nice to hear Gerd's voice and to find out he's still going strong in his intent to learn Spanish. So it seems this is turning out to be one of the best sundays I've ever had (only actually catching The Simpsons with Swedish subtitles would make it better).

So, great Sunday: sleeping in, great Sachs article on El Periódico, veggie lasagna (to feed my inner Garfield) and half an hour of great conversation. I miss my sweet German friend!

The Swedish connection

I am firm believer in the influence that the environment has on us. I often wonder how different my life would we if my family had stayed in the US, or if I had been born in a rural little town in Guatemala. Would I still be a sociologist? would I still have this need to be cynical, critical, sarcastic, and a little irreverent? The same also goes for my likes and dislikes... would they be the same? No one knows. I certainly don't.

And so, the lattest influence in my life comes from my brief stint in Sweden. One thing I discovered among the snow, elk and prinsesstarta was the lagom lifestyle. In one way or another, I think I have always strived for balance. However, I never realized how easy it could be until I experienced the quiet, full life that most Swedes enjoy. 

Because of lagom, I am now trying to balance having an active and fulfilling work life and a full, satisfactory private life. I might be stumbling a little bit, but I have to say that turning off the computer at a set time, having time for friends, family and myself has been a great treat. I think that for the first time in my life I can actually say that I know myself and understand more about me as a scientist, a person and a friend than ever before. 

So I will go back to enjoying a work-free Sunday, secure in the knowledge that I am a better person for that. As a note, my next big Swedish import is going to be the fika. Stay tuned for kladdkaka and fun, coming soon!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


De acuerdo con mi amigo Alejandro, la palabra onomatopeya no tiene un significado tanto como que representa un sonido. Suena raro, pero lo que realmente quiere decir es que 'kikiriki' es la onomatopeya de gallo, 'muuuu' la onomatopeya de vaca y 'guau' la del perro (o eso entendí de todo el asunto).

Pensando en eso, y en los maravillosos hombres chapines, resulta que la onomatopeya del hombre guatemalteco para siendo 'cht, rica'...

vaya, eso sí que es orgullo nacional.

No, I did not drop out

For those of you who thought the worse: No, I did not drop out. Yes, I am still in grad school. And yes, I am still writing more on my blog than on my thesis. I just decided to change the address: my PhD(c) blog can now be found at

I decided to stay true to my 'patojacolocha' essence and have my regular blog here, which at my whim, might be written in English, Spanish or really bad Swedish...