Sunday, April 12, 2009

No Spring for the wicked

April in the north of Sweden is fun: you can still play with the snow, get your feet wet and slip on ice as with the earliest months of the year with the important difference that in April you get sunlight!

Apparently, spring had made its early entrance during the last week of March. However, by the time I got here, it was long gone. But don't get me wrong. I like to see the snow. I like the way everything is white in the morning and like walking home when it's snowing. Winter living is a welcomed ritual of putting on clothes, taking them off, and realizing how much life there is underneath the cold ice. Yesterday I saw grass for the first time since I came and it was green and nice... and in the next few weeks it will keep getting greener and nicer, and warmer. Ducks in the pond will be replaced by the summer birds and the lake is going to defrost.

The night is also on its way out. We get about 10-15 more minutes of light every day and soon we will only have sun... with pretty, deep blue skies and I will start to miss the stars and being able to go to bed at 10pm. For now, though, I'm content with the winter and hope we get a few more gray days before the weather changes!

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