Saturday, April 25, 2009

'Summer glow' lotion... more like safety orange

I have very dry skin. Because of this I need a lot moisturizing lotion... which I ran out of this week. So I went to the supermarket and got me some Nivea 'Summer Beauty' lotion, guaranteed to gradually give you a 'summer glow'. Since those things hardly seem to work in Guatemala, and because it smelled really nice, I got it.

Three days later: I am very tanned, fake-tan tanned. Not only that but were the elastic of my gloves and socks go there are orange rings! Truth be told, I've never been this tanned... so maybe its not that bad. What really sucks is that it has some sort of sun block included... which I'm allergic to (I am allergic to all sun block). So not only am I orangy-skinned, but filled with little bumps from neck-to-toe.

Nice. I'm on my way to the supermarket now.


Denise Phé-Funchal said...

Cómo vas naranjita mecánica? ;) ya destiñéndote? ni acá te agarra un tu colorón naraja chula, mirá que es concepto de bronceado, se parece al de Valentino... te extraño ;o(

AL Ruano said...

Y yo a tí, chulada de mi corazón! pero ya falta menos para regresar a Guate (claro, a menos que cierren las fronteras de América Latina hasta que controlen la fiebre porcina... en cuyo caso te veo cuando las abran de nuevo jejeje)

Dejá de joder vos, que me fui a una cosa de la U y me equivoqué y agarré esa crema y ahora estoy todavía peor. Hoy la tiré a la basura!

alejandro said...

Foto! Foto!

AL Ruano said...

Mano, me extraña. Fotos así no se toma uno! ja ja ja