Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Went to the bank... came back with a coat.

After two weeks in the land of the blond and blue-eyed folk, I finally got my stipend check. That means that I can finally buy yarn for knitting, get flour to bake and indulge myself and get a new pair of sunglasses (my old ones got left behind in NYC).

As expected, the bank visit took really long but I finally activated my bank account and got some cash. I went into a couple of stores but didn't really find a pair that could match the awesomeness of my old glasses. Then, there it was: a spring coat with 50% off. It was a 36 (or a 5 in the US), so I thought it might be too tight... but I tried it on. Not only did it fit perfectly (which means someone else might think its a bit loose on them)but it looks so glamorous that I had to get it.

So the sunglasses are still on the drawing board, but a coat at that wonderful size and price, who could pass on such a deal?

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