Thursday, April 23, 2009

Strawberry shortcake

Last time I went to the supermarket, I got strawberries. I usually don't eat too many of them, but they were so big, red, and nice I just had to. I thought I could make a sugar cake and put them on top... and that was my plan for yesterday. Then, I thought it I should try my hand at a strawberry shortcake.

I've actually never tried it before (baking or eating it), so I thought it could be a fun challenge. I also seemed to have all the ingredients except for the whipped cream and fresh milk. I bought the former one at the ICA and the latter I got from my neighbors.

It was surprisingly fun and easy to do, and the result is a gorgeous cake that is not too sweet and that catches everyone's eye... just to prove it, here's my first ever strawberry shortcake in technicolor!

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