Thursday, January 8, 2009

Here comes the sun...

I just got home, changed into my jammies and realized I had a wonderful day today. The sun was shinning and not a cloud could be found in the sky. The temperature was just right to wear shorts and it felt like a glorious late Spring day.

I walked around and was outside all day. I sat at a park bench to read a bit of a great book, I had lunch with dear, dear friends and went shopping for presents for some of the ones that aren't with me right now. So it was kind of like having all the important people around me all day.

Now I'm tired like I remember being tired after a long, nice, and fun day as a kid. The sunlight gives you so much energy but makes you sleepy when it goes away... sleepy in such a nice, warm way were you can barely wait to jump into you nice bed and hug your pillows and just keep on being happy.

Originally I was set to spend the day sitting in the CIRMA library and while I love libraries, sometimes life just works-out in your favor without you knowing it.

1 comment:

alejandro said...

We need to see pics of you in those shorts.

Just a thought.