Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hands are one of the most beautiful part of the human body. We dress them up with rings and nail polish to try to make them look better but there is just something so warm and soft about a pair of freshly washed hands that makes them seem so earnest, so real. The kind of hands that are a little red from all the washing, are the ones that I like the best right now. You can always tell if someone washes their hands a lot because no matter how much lotion you put on them afterwards, the palms always look red and the nails always look wet. Working in a public health department and being surrounded with physicians and nurses, I can see red-palmed-scrubbed-clean hands all the time. They are all so different, but they all kind of look the same at the time.

It makes me wish I was artistic (aka, had any talent other than singing out of tune when no one is around) to draw them, to play with clay and make them. Instead, I watch and try to remember how they make me feel: taken cared of and safe. It's always the littlest things that do that, isn't it?

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