Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane!

And I'm not sure when I'll be back again.

I've always left Guatemala knowing when I'm due to return. I've also never been away from home more than four or five months at a time. However, 2010 looks like a heavy travel year and I'm not sure if I'll even make it home before 2011.

I feel bittersweet about that not coming home for so long. On the one hand, I have my internship, my papers to finish (and a mid-term seminar to be had), two little vacations with Magnus, and so much work ahead that I can't help but be excited. On the other, I won't have my mom around. Today is the last time I'll stuff myself with her perfectly made rice in a long time (and then my friends Alison and Gerd will have to pick up the rice-slack as I usually refuse to even try to make it). I won't be hangin' out with my youngest brother anymore and my sis will finally have some rest after 10 weeks of goofing off with her... and I won't have my puppy around anymore! I think I will miss her so much (and she is very anti-Skype, so that will not be happening as much as I would like).

I know its already mid-March, but I can't help but feel like my year is just beginning... and also like I have to leave a lot behind to do all the stuff I need to do before 2011 comes around to knock!

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