The way I see it, the world in going down the proverbial crapper. Earth has some serious issues (most of which originate directly from humans, but some from the methane that comes from cow-done -love the fundamentalist Christian folk that came up with that one!) like the economy, wars, over population, incurable illnesses and disease, and global warming.
I do believe in global warming, and I do believe its mostly a bad thing. The only thing that keeps it from being a completely bad thing is my selfish and unhealthy attachment to mangoes. It just so happens that when I was a little girl mango season would start around my birthday (March 22) but this year it started in early January... nothing wrong with that...
So its not that I don't feel bad for the poor little polar bears, the sad penguins and the plants that are burned every day in the amazonian region... its that today I sat down with three mangoes and had them for lunch, and then proceeded to get a fourth one. So world, I'm sorry but I refuse to feel guilty for an 8 month mango season.
Uyy no la gula :P
C'est mon péché mignon...
i feel bad about it too, but anything that makes this winter warmer I am in favor of, at least in the short term :)
Mangoes, global warming,
Mangoes, global warming,
Mangoes, global warming,
Global warming mangoes,
Warming man-goes global,
Man on heat is all over,
Horny guy meets world,
Porn on the internet,
Gluttony on blogger,
Mang... What?
Oh yeah, mangoes are good ;)
You see? anyway you look at it, mangoes are still good.
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