Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Learn (useful) Spanish in 30 days or your money back!

Learning a language is more than just conjugating verbs, confusing the polite and the familiar form of the second person singular or figuring out how to recognize and properly use the subjunctive. It is about communication and it is about saying -and knowing- the right words at the right time.

So Mg got a wonderful present from his sister: a Spanish 'word/phrase of the day' calendar for 2012 and a Spanish language course. Already we are ripping the benefits since Mg has just learned his first truly useful phrase for someone who is planning to tour Guatemala. What is it, you ask?

'¿Dónde está la estación de policía?' (where is the police station?)

A phrase that a white European tourist will surely need in the land of everlasting spring :P

Monday, December 27, 2010

Something I will never forget again

Two weeks ago I was trying to figure out what to take with me for a month in Norway. I already know you don't wear that much stuff in the winter since basically you wear the same thing all the time. A few sweaters would do the trick... pajamas for staying indoors and woolen socks to keep my toes toasty would surely be enough.

My problem now was a different one than when I was packing to spend the summer on 'the continent', where the sun is hot and I could indulge in wearing pretty dresses for weeks and weeks. When I packed my bag in June I wanted to take every single piece of clothing that wasn't made of wool that I owned. Now I only wanted to take a few things, but they were so bulky that I had to go for my bigger suitcase. So the morning of the trip I took out a few things and decided against taking sweatpants with me.

That was a mistake. I am sitting here in front of a nice fire and all I have are jeans. I 'yearn' for my old sweats and promise to never leave them at home ever again!


You don't have to say you love me just because I can, you don't have to stay forever, I will understand...

It just came on while I was sitting in the living room, knitting a pair of sock-booties for a friend back at school. It made me miss my friend D. and sitting in her living room, singing old songs with a glass of (ghetto) wine and a ciggie...

And one for the road!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Truffles & Pralines

The only evidence I can find of the actual existence of a deity is my wonderful box of assorted pralines and truffles.

Could there be anything better than a wonderful little box filled with tiny chocolates?

Monday, December 20, 2010


Something has changed this last year. Somehow, I lost the will to blog. I was just talking about this with Mg, and telling him how easy it used to be. I would just sit in front of my computer and tell a funny story. A story I hoped my friends would find interesting and my blog was a way to prevent me from having to say the same story over and over again.

Now it kind of feels like a duty, like homework. Maybe I expect too much of myself. Maybe it's my thesis and the stress of writing. Maybe I just forgot how much fun it could be to just throw random rants into the intertubes without worrying who would read it.

I hope I start blogging again, and soon.