Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Learn (useful) Spanish in 30 days or your money back!

Learning a language is more than just conjugating verbs, confusing the polite and the familiar form of the second person singular or figuring out how to recognize and properly use the subjunctive. It is about communication and it is about saying -and knowing- the right words at the right time.

So Mg got a wonderful present from his sister: a Spanish 'word/phrase of the day' calendar for 2012 and a Spanish language course. Already we are ripping the benefits since Mg has just learned his first truly useful phrase for someone who is planning to tour Guatemala. What is it, you ask?

'¿Dónde está la estación de policía?' (where is the police station?)

A phrase that a white European tourist will surely need in the land of everlasting spring :P

1 comment:

alejandro said...

is it followed by the phrase "sólo cargo 500 pesos usté no sea así"?