Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Scared of writing

So I've been in Umea for a month and a half. That's right, about six weeks of fika, korridors, ever-longer days and my bike. In that time I've taken a class, bought and Ipod, made a bunch of cakes, missed my boy-friend, gone shopping and taken up running. Notice something missing in the mix? Something that should be my main focus?

That's right folks, I am scared of writing. Well, I was. It took me a month to actually put fingers to keyboard to do something else besides up-dating my FB status. The thought of my advisers saying my writing was bad, my logic off, that I lacked structure (and all the other fun comments that come with a first draft of the manuscript) made me find a thousand other things to do.

How do you get over your fear of writing? It just so happens I wrote what other people said. I just started reading and taking out full quotes and grouping them into 'themes' to write later. Then, last Saturday I got a nice first paragraph and it was been fun since then. I think I might have found my trigger for writing, and a useful activity while I wait for inspiration.

And I have an meeting for that paper on Friday, so I expect to freak out about how badly I did... but it's always bad and then it gets better..... right?

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