Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monkey do...

My friend Denise has assigned me the fun task of writing 15 things I like. As I lack the wit of my sister in arms, I will just write things that make me happy (or laugh, which in my case is more or less the same).

1. A nice piece of chocolate after a long day.
2. The way my skin smells after a day in the sun.
3. Having one too many glasses of wine with my wonderful girlfriends.
4. Having a late-night Skype conversation with someone I love.
5. Being a 'best man'.
6. Writing.
7. My family.
8. Cheese and butter... and Scandinavian bread.
9. Baking a cake that turns out beautiful.
10. The way it feels to get into bed after a long day.
11. Saying 'no' to my advisers when I don't agree.
12. Having my advisers say that I have a talent for academic writing.
13. Understanding a bit more Swedish than I though.
14. Meeting old friends in new places.
15. Cider (of course).

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